
Rob Harris
CEOAS, Oregon State University

Andy Fisher
Dept. of Earth & Planetary Sciences
UC Santa Cruz


The U. S. Marine Heat Flow Capability is funded and supported by the National Science Foundation (OCE-0849341 and OCE-0849354). The U. S. Marine Heat Flow Capability  was created to provide the U.S. academic community with access to tools, software, and expertise needed to collect, process, and interpret marine heat flow data. This website provides a guide for planning and running heat flow surveys using this capability.

We anticipate that you will contact us at three stages of planning and implementation:
(1) Proposal preparation: please contact us as you begin to plan your proposal, so that we will know your general level of interest, and the potential project scope and technical needs. We can also offer technical and scientific guidance as you plan your program, that will help with budgeting, making time estimates, verifying availability of necessary shipboard equipment, and other aspects of program preparation. (MHF_Form1)
(2) Proposal submission: please indicate on the UNOLS shiptime request form that you request use of the Marine Heat Flow Capability. [NB: at present, you should enter this information in the comment field(s) of your request, including specification of what technical and support components are desired. We are working on adding one or more check boxes to the list of available equipment on the online shiptime request form.] Having this information from all potential users of the Marine Heat Flow Capability will assist with anticipating equipment and support needs and costs. (MHF_Form2)
(3) Proposal funding: please contact us as soon as you know that your program is to be funded, and provide information on anticipated timing, platform, ports, and other information. We will work with project co-PIs to coordinate equipment preparation, training, shipment, setup and use. (MHF_Form3)

Data Archive

The International Heat Flow Commission of IASPI keeps and maintains the global data set of heat flow measurements. Link to the global heat flow compilation. All users of the U.S. Marine Heat Flow Capability are required to provide measurement locations, heat flow values, and other information for inclusion in the global database. It is understood that data may remain proprietary for a reasonable period to allow publication and use by those who collected the information, but getting the data into an accessible database for use by others is important for demonstrating community benefit.